Adding Cover Image + Playlist to PPTX

You can add a cover image + playlist to PPTX Exports for Fan Insights, Media Kit, and Sponsorship Report. 

  1. Choose a cover photo by uploading or dragging images or pasting image URLs. If you decide to not use a cover image, this will be left blank in the report.

  2. Select a playlist to use that will display images throughout the PPTX (optimal number of posts in playlist is 6-10). You can select from a playlist you already have or make a new one. If you decide not to use a playlist, this will be left blank in the report. 

  3. Don’t need a cover photo or images in your PPTX? By clicking Use blank styling with no images in this PPTX your PPTX won't have any images and your cover image and logo won’t be included in the PPTX.