Dark Posts Social Media Login

To get Dark posts, you must login to Blinkfire with a Facebook or Twitter account that has access to the Ad account that ran the ad. 

You can add credentials for applicable Facebook and Twitter accounts in your Settings page.

You also can login with the Facebook or Twitter account from our landing page.

More details on the logins needed to track and value Dark posts (ads) in Blinkfire:

Facebook: Connect ALL Instagram accounts and Facebook Pages and enable ALL permissions. We only ask for permissions we need and have been approved by Facebook for all permissions requiring review.

Twitter: Sign in with an account that has access to ALL Twitter Ad accounts where ads are run from. You can also sign in with multiple Twitter accounts if some ad accounts are attached across different logins. 

For Instagram related ads all of the accounts need to be connected in Facebook Business manager to properly populate through. To verify this start by navigating to Facebook Business Manager

1. https://business.facebook.com/settings

Select the corresponding business from this menu 

2. On the left sidebar of the page you are routed to, you will see an "Accounts" menu.

3. Under "Instagram Accounts" make sure under the "connected assets" tab the ad account is listed and if not add it as a connected asset.