Global Ranking

The Global Ranking report shows specific metrics like posts and engagements generated by the teams' and players' social accounts within a given date period, and compares a team against the others. This report consists of two rankings: Global Team Ranking and Players Ranking.

Global Team Ranking

The Global Team Ranking offers an overview of a team's posts, generated engagement per social network compared to other teams across the leagues in which they participate, total engagement, and more.

Real Madrid

Above is the Global Team Ranking for Real Madrid compared to other teams. 

Global Rankings + Settings

By clicking on Settings, a user has the option to add/remove specific columns.

Specific Terms & Definitions

Team: Total engagements driven by a team

Posts: Total number of posts published across a team’s social networks. 

Avg Eng/Post:  Average engagement per post across a team’s social networks. Average engagement per post calculated by number of engagements divided by number of posts during the time frame selected.  

Estimated Video Views: Estimated number of video views.

Activity Score: Daily posting frequency relative to the teams, leagues, players, and more in Blinkfire’s platform. 

Blinkfire Index: Weighted average of an entity’s activity score + influence score. 

Follower Score: Number of followers relative to the teams, leagues, players, and more in Blinkfire’s platform.  

Influence Score: Relative strength of influence (such as number of posts, followers, favorites, average engagements, etc.) relative to the teams, leagues, players, and more in Blinkfire’s platform.  

Players Ranking

The Players Ranking table offers a breakdown of the engagement generated by a specific team's players. This is helpful to check which players in a team's roster are driving the most social engagements.You can also create custom entity groups to compare teams, leagues, players, etc.