Manage Billing & Make a Payment

Blinkfire users can make outstanding payments in the platform and add users to complete those payments.

From the Manage Teams page, users can add admin or billing user roles. To make a payment, a user must have a billing user role. In this article you will learn how to:

Add Team Member to Billing

  1. In the top right corner under your avatar, click "Manage Teams."

  1. If a team member, does not have a billing icon next to their name, you can add it by clicking "Manage."

  1. Add billing access to a user by clicking on "Billing" and pressing "Update." Once you add billing access to a user, they will also receive an email with the invite.

  1. After hitting update, the billing icon will be next to the user's name.

Add Payment Method

Once you are made a billing admin, you can now handle payments. Before making an outstanding payment, you must add a payment method.

  1. In the top right corner under your avatar, click "Billing."

  1. Upon entering the billing page, you will see "Add payment method" if it's not been done yet. Click "Add payment method" and add your credit card or bank information. If you already added a payment method, you will see "Manage Payment Methods" instead.

Make a Payment

Once you're made a billing admin and you've added a payment method, you can now make a payment.

  1. Next to your outstanding amount, you will click "Make a payment." In the example below, the user has a $100 payment to make.

  1. Your outstanding balance will appear and the default payment method. You must click the two boxes confirming the amount and agreeing to the Terms of Service before clicking "Make Payment." You always have the option to change your default payment method.

  1. Once payment is made, your account will reflect the updated balance. You will also receive an email confirmation from Stripe on the completion of payment.