
  1. Sponsorship Exposure Rankings

Rank Property x Brand exposure generated by any of the supported metrics including Impressions, Engagements, Video Views, # Posts, Engagement/Follower, Engagement/Impressions and more.

  1. Sponsorship Asset Rankings

Looking to find out the best performing jersey asset in sports? Want to figure out the average per post ROI for a ground ad board at Inter Miami versus the Birthday post series from the Golden State Warriors?

All of these rankings and more can be done using the benchmarking tool by selecting the "Entity" "Brand" and "Content & Asset" under Breakdowns.

Filters for specific authors , brand and assets can also be applied to show more targeted rankings like Uniform brand exposure from Teams in the NBA.

  1. Social Metrics Analysis

The benchmarking tool is a great resource for ranking account level stats like followers, engagements, video views, impressions, engagement rates and more!

These rankings can be done by entity, by network or even by specific channel to get the most targeted comparisons possible.

  1. Best Practices and Trends Research

Looking to find out which accounts are producing the most engaging short form video on YouTube shorts, Instagram Reels? Want to see examples of score graphics that get the highest engagement rate?

These types of research questions can easily be answered by selecting specific filter and breakdown options to discover trends across social media and optimize your content strategy!