Facebook Insights

Facebook Insights are private data, only visible to the owner(s) of the entity. 

Facebook Insights include impressions, reach, link clicks, post clicks, and audience retention data for views at the post level plus Facebook demographic data. 

Facebook Insights - Image

Facebook timeline post insights include impressions, reach, post clicks, and link clicks. 

Facebook Insights - Video

Facebook Insights (for images, as shown above), video views, total time watched, average time watched, and audience retention. Upon logging in with credentials, video views appear at the post level and is private data. 

Audience Retention

The audience retention graph shows the total time watched and average time watched. Additionally, there is an audience retention graph that shows audience viewership over the length of the video. 

Total Time Watched + Average Time Watched

This view shows where a video's total time watched sits compared to all other videos by channel. Red - below average; Yellow - average; Green - above average. 

This view shows where a video's average time watched sits compared to all other videos by channel. Red - below average; Yellow - average; Green - above average.