Advanced Search
Blinkfire’s Advanced Search is a search tool used to find content within our platform across teams, leagues, athletes, creators, brands, and more.
Learn how to use advanced filters, sort posts by different metrics, export results, and create/save to a playlist.
Search Dates
Keywords & Content Tags
Author & Brands Detected
Media Type, Promotion Status, Variety, & Content Kind
Other Filters
Search Dates
Search Dates: Find posts based on your specific date needs. Customize the date range, or simply click on the left hand column and date ranges will automatically populate. For example: this month, this quarter, last quarter, etc. Search up to 365 days.
Keywords & Content Tags
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- Content Tags: Users can search for labels that have been used on posts from their owned and operated accounts (currently custom tags is only supported on Facebook. If you'd like us to add tags from other publishing sources, let us know.
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- Author: Author type is broken up into three types of searches: Entity, Entity Groups, and Channel Groups.
- - Entity: Search by team, league, federation, athlete, influencer, organization, and brand.
- Entity Groups: Search by Entity Groups you've created. For example, you created a Group Called "Chicago Sports Teams", and can select that group to search posts.
- Channel Groups: Search by specific social media channels. For example, the NBA has numerous Instagram channels, so you could isolate one handle to search, like @nba only.
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- Brands Detected: Filter posts by brands. You can filter by one brand or multiple brands.
- - Exclude Brand: Specific brands can be excluded from a search. Simply click on the negative button.
- Add Interaction Type: Select between visual mentions (in images and/or video), @mentions, hashtags, and/or Branded Content. - - Add Exposure Type: Select between Active and/or Passive exposure. Example: Active is brand exposure from a digital overlay; Passive is brand exposure from a uniform.
- - Add Assets: Select different assets to show where the brand appeared. Assets could include uniform, step and repeat, and ball.
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- Network: Choose the network or networks you'd like to include in your advanced search. For example, if you only wanted to search for Twitter posts, select Twitter posts. You can also select all networks.
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- Media Type: Filter a post's media type by video, image, mixed media, and/or text. Include all or deselect all, and just include a specific media type like image.
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- Promotion Status: Filter by organic, boosted, or ad.
- Organic: Posts that are put out on an entity's timeline or Stories. - - Boosted: An organic timeline or Stories post that has boosted/paid media behind it.
- Ad: An ad created (Facebook Ad Manager, Twitter Ads, etc.) that does not live on a timeline feed. Ads have paid media behind.
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- Variety: Filter and/or exclude results by type of post: timeline, Instagram Stories, OTT (over-the-top content like Brightcove), Web Pages (Google Analytics), TV, App, IGTV, and Reels.
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- Content Kind: Filter and/or exclude results by content type. e.g. branded posts, fan posts, or all posts.
- Branded posts: Include post with a brand present (and dependent on other filters selected)
- All posts: Include both official posts and fan posts (and dependent on other filters selected)
- Fan posts: Include only fan posts (and dependent on other filters selected)
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- Sports: Filter and/or exclude posts by one sport or multiple sports.
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- Exposure: Users Filter and/or exclude posts by active exposure or passive exposure. You can also select a brand based on the type of exposure. For example, filter only Nike active exposure. Additionally, if you wanted to exclude Nike active exposure, you can do so as well.
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- Scenes: Filter and/or exclude posts by scene type. Multiple scenes may be searched at a time. Such scenes include, birthday, score, game preview, and training.
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- Assets: Filter and/or exclude posts by specific assets. Multiple assets may be searched at a time. Such assets include, step and repeat, shoe, ball, and uniform.
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- Author Type: Filter and/or exclude posts by a specific author type such as team, league, or federation.
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- Brand Category: Filter and/or exclude posts by brand categories, e.g. airlines, apparel, beer, betting, energy, financial services, etc. Study engagement by industry and align branded content with specific industries.
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- Targeted Posts: Filter and/or exclude posts one or more countries to return posts that were targeted to those locations (Facebook organic targeted posts).
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- Player: Filter and/or exclude posts by a specific player.
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- Modify Search: Easily change your search filters and regenerate results.
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- Export Results: Export results by downloading a report or receiving one via email. Customize the report metrics included in the report. Learn more about reporting metrics.
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- Generate Report: Keep a saved report of the search to use for future needs. Saving a report means you will be able to go back to it in the future and obtain updated results. This option is very useful if you need to make recurring reports.
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- Save to Playlist: Save the results to a new playlist or an existing playlist.Once created, you'll be able to access that playlist from the sidebar and manage it as you would with any other regular playlist.
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- Card View | List View | Table View: Default results view is the card view with the image and text. List View is the first image below. By viewing search results as a Table View, results are generated like in the second image below.
Sort By
Users can sort results by e-score, engagement, impressions, or recency. Leverage these sorting filters to easily find the top posts you are looking for within your custom search.
Keywords: Used to find posts containing specific keywords like hashtags, emojis, team names, players, and venues. Toggle between "Match all words" to match exact phrases and "Match any" to broaden search.