Competitive Analysis

Blinkfire’s Competitive Analysis tool gives users the ability to customize their analysis by allowing them to choose several entities to compare at once. This allows for easy, fast, and seamless comparison between teams, athletes, influencers, brands and other entities. 

This tool can be used to help entities compare online presence, posting strategy, average/total engagement metrics, valuation metrics, and more.

The Competitive Analysis tool can be found in Blinkfire under the “Discover” tab on the far left side of your screen.

How to use Competitive Analysis:

1. In the text boxes, search for the entities you would like to compare and click on the entity when it appears to select. Once selected, the entity avatar and name will appear in the box. Users can choose up to five entities to compare.

2. Click on the date range to select a customized date range for your analysis 

3. Select “Show Comparison”

4. To select the entity you want to compare the rest of the entities to, select the “star” next to your chosen entity’s name. When selected the star will turn gold. You can change this selected team whenever you want while analyzing the data.

5. Use the drop down arrows next to each comparison metric for a more detailed view of each entity’s social channels.

For an in-depth look into how each comparison metric works and ideas on how to best utilize this powerful tool, check our full blog post!

Looking for another report to help with competitive analysis and benchmarking. Head over to our Global Ranking tool.