Social Media Login - Owned & Operated Accounts

Owned and Operated Social Accounts 

Please sign in with your entity's owned and operated (O&O) social accounts for authentication and to activate additional insights. Visit Blinkfire's landing page and click Social Sign In in the top right corner.  

Step 1: Sign in with Facebook. Whoever has admin, editor, moderator, advertiser, or analyst access to your entity's Facebook Page, please sign in. By doing this, you will activate additional insights such as FB Insights, IG Insights, IG Stories, IG and FB demographics, and FB audience retention data.  Important Note: In order to activate insights for Instagram, please make sure your Facebook Page is linked to an Instagram Business or Creator Profile. If it is not, you will need to follow these directions

Step 2: Upon signing in, go to Settings, and add the additional social credentials of your entity's other owned and operated social accounts. Additionally, you can always sign out of Blinkfire Analytics (upon initial sign in), and visit the landing page to sign back in with a new social network to authenticate credentials.  

Benefits of signing in with your entity's social networks

Facebook: Sign in with your team/organization's O&O Facebook account to activate Facebook and Instagram Insights. Facebook credentials expire every 90 days, so you will need to re-sign in every 90 days to re-authenticate. Please make sure your Instagram account is a Business Profile linked to your entity's Facebook page or an Instagram Creator Account linked to your entity's Facebook page. To convert an Instagram Private account to a Business Profile or Creator Account and link it to a Facebook Page, read more here

Twitter: Sign in with your team/organization's O&O Twitter account to activate Twitter Insights.

YouTube: Sign in with the Google account that has manage channel access to your team/organization's O&O Youtube account to activate audience retention data.

LinkedIn: Sign in with the LinkedIn account that has page admin access to your team/organization's LinkedIn page. Page admin access must be super admin. 

TikTok: Sign in with your team/organization's O&O Twitter account to activate TikTok Insights.

Sina Weibo: Sign in with your team/organization's O&O Sina Weibo account to authenticate credentials. Please note, Sina Weibo tokens expire every 30 days, so you will need to re-sign in every 30 days to re-authenticate. Please find login information here.

Douyin: Sign in with you team/organization's O&O Douyin account. Please find login information here

Toutiao: Sign in with you team/organization's O&O Toutiao account. Please find login information here.